Lever's Blues welcomes Breakaway to our midst with their newest cd
Live At The Viking. This Long Island, New York band will appeal to the
traditional electric blues crowd as well as the die hard blues
Breakaway is:
Lou Carrollo - Guitar and Vocals
Howie Haber - Guitar and Vocals
Evan Davis - Harp and Vocals
Dustin Hickey - Bass
A. Michael Canon - Drums and Vocals
The cd opens with a nice slow tempo number called Everybody's
Talkin'that is pure blues and rhythm. Wonderful guitar riffs float
over the solid rhythm section. The next tune is a shuffle rhythm
called Crescent Street Blues, and gives us a taste of the great
harpwork to follow. They pick up the tempo a bit for Down The Line.
This song is pure blues rock and continues their trend of playing only
what fits at a given time instead of overdoing it with flash. The
solos are awesome and made me remember some great Jimmy Page solos.
The band is joined by Patty Haber on background vocals for Get Out And
Love Somebody. A slow number featuring excellent guitar riffs. The
band members are introduced in track 5. Track 6 is Look Around, a mid
tempo number with a beat that gets your feet tapping and some very
good harp playing by Evan Davis. Track 7 is The Bottle: A rockin
number with shades of hendrix evident. The cd comes to a close with
Gambling Man On A Killing Floor, the only song which is not an
original composition. A nice shuffle in true blues fashion.
New York has been keeping a secret. These guys can really play.
Visit their web site at www.breakawaygroup.com
Breakaway was a finalist in the 2005 International Blues Challenge in Mempis, TN.
They will be appearing in the Downstate New York Blues Societies A Day Of Wine & Blues Festival on Saturday August 19, 2006. Admission is $12 and you can get tickets and information at http://www.downstatenyblues.org/
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