Kevin Phillips & The It Men - Big Chop Suey

Here is my introduction to a band from
They open with Gravy Train, a cool slow shuffle type song with very neat lyrics. The piano solo in this song leads to a great sax solo and both are outstanding. Next up is the title track, Big Chop Suey. This song has a beat that could make a corpse dance, just great. New Shoes is next and represents a look at the humor of these guys. Who would have thought a new pair of shoes could walk off the blues? Next they give us a song we can all relate to in Couch Potato Day. This song relates the thoughts of a man who just wants a day to relax and not be bothered with any form of activity, including giving his wife some lovin’. A really neat humorous ditty this one is, set to a slow shuffle rhythm.
Next is D.W.’s Pastiche, a song with a neat rhythm and great groove. The jazz influence on this number is very evident and welcome. Change Me follows and is another modified shuffle sounding tune. It features a medium slow tempo and great lyrics. I really enjoy this next fast medium paced shuffle called Porter. As train songs go this one is great. They give us several time changes and some very neat chord progressions. I found myself listening to this many times as I was struck by the unique arrangement and time changes. Kitchen is next, and shows a neat melding of jazz and blues sounds not seen much since the golden days of the 50’s. This is a very welcome and enjoyable sound. My personal favorite is next and is it is a very tongue in cheek type of song called Headache. Very original lyrics and great sound make this a very entertaining song that is sure to be a favorite. Waiting For Spring is next and says just what I am always thinking at this time of year when snow lies everywhere and the temperature struggles to see 30 degrees. They close the offering with a song called Kick Ass. Surely not one that will gather much radio play but a neat song nonetheless. It should be popular in live shows as it features a great dance beat.
The varied musical influences at work on this band are pretty evident in their music and make for a fresh sound. The writing is excellent and no fault can be found in their arrangement or delivery. These guys are just smokin’ from beginning to end. A special guest helped with this effort and deserves a big thank you for his contribution to a great cd. Thanks for being there Jerome Godboo…
Visit Kevin Phillips & The It Men here:
Try Big Chop Suey here: